Monday, September 10, 2018


  经过老师与同学们的一番努力,中秋节的壁报终于诞生了! 若你想对中秋佳节了解得更多,欢迎来到图书馆参过以获取更多资讯哦。

Friday, August 31, 2018

Hari Kemerdekaan dan Hari Malaysia

    Hari Kebangsaan merupakan peristiwa utama dan disambut secara besar-besaran dengan mengadakan perarakan warna warni, konsert, pertunjukan pentas, pertandingan dan pelbagai lagi pertunjukan yang diadakan di tempat-tempat yang ditetapkan setiap tahun.           

      Namun begitu, sebagai rakyat Malaysia, adakah anda memahami sejarah dan erti kemerdekaan? Marilah kita bersama-sama menyaksikan Sejarah Merdeka melalui montaj berikut.

Maklumat lanjut tentang Hari Kemerdekaan dan Hari Malaysia sila rujuk

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Anugerah Cemerlang PSS Daerah Kinta Utara

Tahniah diucapkan kepada semua warga AMC kerana  mendapat Anugerah Johan dalam Kategori Sekolah Rendah pada Majlis Anugerah Pembestarian Sekolah Peringkat Daerah Kinta Utara Tahun 2018. Ribuan terima kasih kepada semua yang  memberi sumbangan serta sokongan sepanjang tempoh ini.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Kem Membaca-Jendela Dunia kali-2 Tahun 2018

Kem Membaca telah diadakan secara lancar dengan kerjasama guru-guru pada 30 Jun 2018 (Sabtu) dan 1Julai 2018(Ahad).
Program ini diperkenalkan dengan tujuan memimpin murid memupuk sikap suka membaca supaya murid
menjadi seseorang yang cemerlang.
Selain daripada membaca, murid juga diberi peluang untuk membuat persembahan dalam Karnival Buku pada hari yang kedua.
Murid dapat melatih diri untuk mengulas dan mempromosikan buku yang dibaca kepada para pengunjung.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Selamat Hari Raya

Hari Raya Aidilfitri, the festival of the breaking of the fast, a religious holiday celebrated by Muslims in Malaysia. Hari Raya means ‘celebration day’, and Hari Raya Aidilfitri is the day that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of dawn-to-sunset fasting. Hari Raya Aidilfitri falls on July 6 and July 7 this year. 
What happens on the day of Hari Raya Aidilfitri? 
Muslims wake up early to visit the mosque to thank God for the blessings they have in life. They will seek for forgiveness and receive ‘green’ packets of money from their elders. While dressed in their new best clothes, they will pay a visit to their relatives, family and friends to dig into traditional delicious food; Ketupat (Rice cake), Lemang (glutinous rice) and many other traditional foods. 
What are the traditional clothes worn on the day?
Women usually either wear a Baju Kurung, Baju Kebaya or Jubah. Meanwhile, Men wear the male version of a Baju Kurung together with a Kain Samping - a piece of cloth worn over the trouser of the Baju Kurung. It is common to see men wear a songkok on their heads as well. 
Do you have to bring any gifts? 
Most Muslims in Malaysia do not expect guests to present gifts or cash. If guests insist on presenting something, then sweets, cookies or kuih are best and will be appreciated by most hosts. Guests should also look out for what not to give. Black is an avoidable colour. Wine, champagne or any other form of alcohol is forbidden for Muslims. 
Non-Muslim guests are not expected to be dressed in traditional Malay clothes. However, it might please your hosts, if you made the effort. Wearing casual and not to wear anything too revealing Western clothing is completely acceptable. 
What are the most common Hari Raya Puasa greetings?
“Selamat Hari Raya” is the traditional greeting used by Malay Muslims which means “Happy Hari Raya” and “Maaf Zahir dan Batin” which when translated is “I seek forgiveness from you”.
A lot of Muslims also say “Eid Mubarak” when they greet each other; the term has Arabic origins. ‘Eid Mubarak’ means “Happy Hari Raya”.
Muslims usually travels back to their hometown three days to a week before Hari Raya Aidilfitri to avoid heavy traffics. If you are planning to travel around this period of time, try to book in advance before the tickets are sold out. 

Monday, May 21, 2018


     《了不起的狐狸爸爸》一书是挪威籍儿童文学作家罗尔德·达尔(Roald Dahl)原创童话,他认为动物及小动物们所蒙受的不白之冤是人类骄横自大的一种表现,人类的丑恶、残暴、凶狠、狡猾、奸诈比动物――无论多么凶残的、强大的――都表现得要充分得多得多。假如每一个可爱的孩子在出生以后,首先能看到的是这些优秀的儿童文学作品,那么他们才能具有与大自然、动物和平共处的优秀品德,并热爱它们。人应该先学会爱,而不是恨。一个人先对某种动物充满仇恨,再让他去学习爱这种动物的本领是何等艰难呀!



Friday, March 2, 2018



Monday, February 5, 2018

